the #1 Online Surety Bond Agency in the Nation!

OregonCommercial Contractor Disciplinary Bond

Pricing Varies

Commercial contractor disciplinary bonds are a type of surety bond required due to a business’s or owner’s past unresolved debts that resulted from a final order or an arbitration award. These bonds apply to those looking to acquire a new license or renew their license. The bond amount can be up to five times that of a standard commercial contractor bond as determined by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board. The bond amount is so high because states assign require these bonds to contractors or businesses who have had disciplinary action taken against them.

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Once you purchase your bond, we'll email your bond documents directly to you. No shipping required.

Best Prices

We shop the top surety markets to find you the best rate.

$20,000 - $100,000
1 year
Licensing Agent:
Brooklyn Ventures, LLC
License Number: